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К-т за възстановяване на резби на картери – 48 части - ZIMBER

К-т за възстановяване на резби на картери – 48 части - ZIMBER

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Set de Reparatie Filet Baie de Ulei Motor M15-M17-M20 - 48.buc - ZIMBER.

- 5 spare screws M15 x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M15
- 1 tap HSS-G M15 x 1.5

- 5 spare screws M18 x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M18
- 1 tap HSS-G M18 x 1.5

- 5 spare screws M20x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M20
- 1 tap HSS-G M20 x 1.5

Availability: Out of stock

41,35 €

Product Description


Set de Reparatie Filet Baie de Ulei Motor M15-M17-M20 - 48.buc - ZIMBER

- 5 spare screws M15 x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M15
- 1 tap HSS-G M15 x 1.5

- 5 spare screws M18 x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M18
- 1 tap HSS-G M18 x 1.5

- 5 spare screws M20x 1.5
- 10 washer plates for M20
- 1 tap HSS-G M20 x 1.5

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