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Komplet blokad rozrządu  Renault - 1,8 2,0 16V , ZR-36ETTS125 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Komplet blokad rozrządu Renault - 1,8 2,0 16V , ZR-36ETTS125 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Komplet blokad rozrządu  Renault - 1,8 2,0 16V , ZR-36ETTS125 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

This kit of three tools enables the correct engine timing to be performed on  Renault K4J, K4M 1.4,1.6 16V & F4P, F4R 1.8,2.0 16V engines when changing the timing belt.

Availability: Out of stock

50,68 €

Product Description


Komplet blokad rozrządu  Renault - 1,8 2,0 16V , ZR-36ETTS125 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
CLIO 1.4,1.6 16V (98-06)
MAGANE 1.4,1.6 16V (98-06)
CLIO SPORT 2.0 16V (98-06)
MEGANE 1.8,2.0 16V (98-04)
ESPACE 2.0 16V (98-04)
MEGANE II 1.4 16V (02-09)
GRAND SCENIC II 1.4/1.6 16V(02-09)
MEGANE II 1.6 16V (02-05)
LAGUNA 1.6 16V (98-06)
MEGANE II 2.0 16V (02-09)
LAGUNA 1.8 16V (01-05)
SCENIC 1.4,1.6 16V (98-06)
LAGUNA 1.8/2.0 16V (98-04)
SCENIC 1.80,2.0 16V (98-04)
LAGUNA II 2.0 16V T (02-09)
SCENIC II 1.4,1.6,2.0 16V (02-09)

La efectuarea unor cumpărături în valoare de peste 200 euro, livrarea este gratuită pe teritoriul   R. România

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