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Klucz - blokada koła pasowego wału Honda CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD, PRELUDE - ZR-36ETTS282- ZIMBER TOOLS.

Klucz - blokada koła pasowego wału Honda CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD, PRELUDE - ZR-36ETTS282- ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Klucz - blokada koła pasowego wału Honda CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD, PRELUDE - ZR-36ETTS282- ZIMBER TOOLS. For the removal and installation of the crankshaft pulley bolt. Fits most Honda engines with carburettors, including CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD and PRELUDE. Prevents crankshaft movement when held with a breaker bar. Special sliding dowel assembly adjusts to fit the holes on the crankshaft pulley.

Availability: In stock

61,30 €
61,30 €

Product Description


Klucz - blokada koła pasowego wału Honda CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD, PRELUDE - ZR-36ETTS282- ZIMBER TOOLS. For the removal and installation of the crankshaft pulley bolt. Fits most Honda engines with carburettors, including CRX, CIVIC, ACCORD and PRELUDE. Prevents crankshaft movement when held with a breaker bar. Special sliding dowel assembly adjusts to fit the holes on the crankshaft pulley.

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