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Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester, ZL-1622 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester, ZL-1622 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester, ZL-1622 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
TU-1 Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester.
Extra long heavy-duty rubber hose and 14mm/18mm manifold adapter. 
Large3-1/2"diameter gauge with color-coded easy-reading scales. 
Checks for worn of defective parts in fuel pump,vacuum system.

Availability: Out of stock

25,66 €
SKU: ZL-1622

Product Description


Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester, ZL-1622 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
TU-1 Professional Vacuum & Fuel Tester.
Extra long heavy-duty rubber hose and 14mm/18mm manifold adapter.
Large3-1/2"diameter gauge with color-coded easy-reading scales.
Checks for worn of defective parts in fuel pump,vacuum system.

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