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KLUCZ DO FILTRÓW OLEJU - VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo -(Mann / Mahle / Knecht) - ZR-36OFFRT - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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KLUCZ DO FILTRÓW OLEJU - VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo -(Mann / Mahle / Knecht) - ZR-36OFFRT - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Oil / Fuel Filter Removal Tool Mann / Mahle / Knecht For VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo.
For VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo and other model oil / fuel filters where space is restricted.
The strong, welded T-shaped head that engages the filter remo val slot found in
Mann / Mahle / Knecht :
Mann - W920, W920/7, W930, W930/9, W940, W940/15, W940/20, W9 40/25, W950, W950/1, W950/5, W962/2, W962/7, W962/14, W1130/1, WK940/4, WK950/4....WK962/5, WP931, WP962/3...
Mahle / Knecht - OC51, OC83, OC214...

Availability: In stock

16,60 €
16,60 €

Product Description


KLUCZ DO FILTRÓW OLEJU - VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo -(Mann / Mahle / Knecht) - ZR-36OFFRT - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Oil / Fuel Filter Removal Tool Mann / Mahle / Knecht For VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo - ZR-36OFFRT - ZIMBER TOOLS.
For VW, Audi, Seat, Volvo and other model oil / fuel filters where space is restricted.
The strong, welded T-shaped head that engages the filter remo val slot found in
Mann / Mahle / Knecht :
Mann - W920, W920/7, W930, W930/9, W940, W940/15, W940/20, W9 40/25, W950, W950/1, W950/5, W962/2, W962/7, W962/14, W1130/1, WK940/4, WK950/4....WK962/5, WP931, WP962/3...
Mahle / Knecht - OC51, OC83, OC214..


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