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Alat za vađenje ventila na motoru,ZT-04A2114 - SMANN TOOLS

Alat za vađenje ventila na motoru,ZT-04A2114 - SMANN TOOLS

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Alat za vađenje ventila na motoru, ZT-04A2114 - SMANN TOOLS

Availability: Out of stock

17,90 €
SKU: ZT-04A2114

Product Description


Alat za vađenje ventila na motoru,ZT-04A2114 - SMANN TOOLS.

Powerfist Universal Overhead Valve Spring Compressor
For use on a wide range of OHV OHC and CVH engines.
Not suitable for use on engines with deep seated valves.
Allows valve spring and valve stem oil seal to be replaced with the cylinder head.
Features a reversible jaw adaptor and automatic cam-action locking to a predetermined setting.

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