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Spark Plug Thread Repair Kit (ZT-04801) - SMANN TOOLS.

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Spark Plug Thread Repair Kit (ZT-04801) - SMANN TOOLS.
Comprehensive and time saving kit of spark plug thread repair tools. Especially suitable for the repair of deep-seated plug configurations. Incorporates taper and plug taps together with integrated ream. Stepped tap ensures correct alignment of cutter in existing spark plug hole. Extension tools allow easy access to the bottom of the plug recess. Includes set of plug inserts. Product Specification: Tap: M14 x 1.25mm .Step Tap: M14 x 1.25, M16 x 1.25mm -Insert Lengths: 9.4, 15mm.

Доступность: Нет в наличии

69,90 €
Артикул (SKU): ZT-04801

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Spark Plug Thread Repair Kit (ZT-04801) - SMANN TOOLS.
Comprehensive and time saving kit of spark plug thread repair tools. Especially suitable for the repair of deep-seated plug configurations. Incorporates taper and plug taps together with integrated ream. Stepped tap ensures correct alignment of cutter in existing spark plug hole. Extension tools allow easy access to the bottom of the plug recess. Includes set of plug inserts. Product Specification: Tap: M14 x 1.25mm .Step Tap: M14 x 1.25, M16 x 1.25mm -Insert Lengths: 9.4, 15mm

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