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Съёмник дизельных форсунок Mercedes CDI, ZR-36IPS- ZIMBER TOOLS

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Съёмник дизельных форсунок Mercedes CDI, ZR-36IPS- ZIMBER TOOLS.
Съёмник дизельных форсунок Mercedes CDI с обратным молотком с двумя захватами.
Назначение: Позволяет демонтировать форсунки дизельных двигателей CDI Mercedes, не снимая головку блока. Подходит для двигателей OM611, OM612, OM613.

Доступность: Есть в наличии

121,10 €
Артикул (SKU): ZR-36IPS
121,10 €

Описание товара


Съёмник дизельных форсунок Mercedes CDI, ZR-36IPS- ZIMBER TOOLS.
Съёмник дизельных форсунок Mercedes CDI с обратным молотком с двумя захватами.
Назначение: Позволяет демонтировать форсунки дизельных двигателей CDI Mercedes, не снимая головку блока. Подходит для двигателей OM611, OM612, OM613.

This six piece injector puller with impact weight has been specially designed for removing stubborn injectors on Mercedes-Benz vehicles fitted with CDi engines
Some injectors can be removed without removing the cylinder block. Internal and external forks are included for drawing out the injector.
A high quality tap is also included for rethreading or cleaning the bracket used to keep the injector in place.
Internal and external forks are included for drawing out the injector.
Packaged in a blow mould case for easy storage
This six piece injector puller with impact weight has been specially designed for removing stubborn injectors on Mercedes-Benz vehicles fitted with CDi engines. Some injectors can be removed without removing the cylinder block. Internal and external forks are included for drawing out the injector. A high quality tap is also included for rethreading or cleaning the bracket used to keep the injector in place.

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