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Набор инструмента для фиксации двигателя GM-OPEL 3.6L 2.8L V6 - ZR-36ETTS175 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Набор инструмента для фиксации двигателя GM-OPEL 3.6L 2.8L V6 - ZR-36ETTS175 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Набор инструмента для фиксации двигателя  GM-OPEL 3.6L 2.8L V6 - ZR-36ETTS175 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Camshaft Holding Tool Left and right side head for the 3.6L 2.8L V6
positioned over the ends of the camshaft on the left and right heads to prevent rotation during timing chain service.
The plate is over-sized to prevent the valve covers from being installed should the tools be accidentally left on the engine.
Works on the GM 3.6L V6 2.8L through 2006
2007 to current use EN-48383 instead.

Доступность: Нет в наличии

27,90 €
Артикул (SKU): ZR-36ETTS175

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Набор инструмента для фиксации двигателя  GM-OPEL 3.6L 2.8L V6 - ZR-36ETTS175 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

Camshaft Holding Tool Left and right side head for the 3.6L 2.8L V6
positioned over the ends of the camshaft on the left and right heads to prevent rotation during timing chain service.
The plate is over-sized to prevent the valve covers from being installed should the tools be accidentally left on the engine.
Works on the GM 3.6L V6 2.8L through 2006
2007 to current use EN-48383 instead.

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