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Мульти Тестер для проверки Дизелови свечей 42 v- ZR-36MVGPT - ZIMBER TOOLS


Мульти Тестер для проверки Дизелови свечей 42 v- ZR-36MVGPT - ZIMBER TOOLS

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Мульти Тестер для проверки Дизелови свечей 48 volt - ZR-36MVGPT - ZIMBER TOOLS.
This Multi-voltage Glow Plug Tester is a device to easily identify the condition of the glow plug in your diesel engines up to 42 volt. This Tester is powered by a 9 volt battery.
The Tester will display the resistance value of the glow plug which will help the user to identify the condition of the glow plug by comparing with its original specifications.
The glow plug has to be replaced when Open Circuit is detected. To assure the best pre-heating efficiency for the diesel engine, it is also recommended to replace the aging glow plug of the short circuit.
Multi-voltage.Diesel engines up to 42 Volt.Easy to read LCD display

Доступность: Есть в наличии

116,80 €
Артикул (SKU): ZR-36MVGPT
116,80 €

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Мульти Тестер для проверки Дизелови свечей 42 volt- ZR-36MVGPT - ZIMBER TOOLS
This Multi-voltage Glow Plug Tester is a device to easily identify the condition of the glow plug in your diesel engines up to 42 volt. This Tester is powered by a 9 volt battery.
The Tester will display the resistance value of the glow plug which will help the user to identify the condition of the glow plug by comparing with its original specifications.
The glow plug has to be replaced when Open Circuit is detected. To assure the best pre-heating efficiency for the diesel engine, it is also recommended to replace the aging glow plug of the short circuit.
Multi-voltage.Diesel engines up to 42 Volt.Easy to read LCD display.

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