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Loosening Tool for Wheel Nut Covers - 8257 - BGS technic.

Loosening Tool for Wheel Nut Covers - 8257 - BGS technic.

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Loosening Tool for Wheel Nut Covers - 8257 - BGS technic.  
wheel nut caps can be removed without damaging the rims
especially suitable for aluminum rims
gripping claws made of spring steel
T-handle for easy working

Доступность: Нет в наличии

18,90 €
Артикул (SKU): ZB-8257

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Loosening Tool for Wheel Nut Covers - 8257 - BGS technic.  
wheel nut caps can be removed without damaging the rims
especially suitable for aluminum rims
gripping claws made of spring steel
T-handle for easy working

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