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Fork Type Separator Set 5 pcs. (1806) - BGS technic

Fork Type Separator Set 5 pcs. (1806) - BGS technic

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Fork Type Separator Set 5 pcs. (1806) - BGS technic

with interchangeable fork heads
for quick release of tie rod ends, steering levers, etc.
fork openings approx. 17.4 - 23.8 - 28.5 mm
manufactured from forged carbon steel,
handle for manual use
adaptor for air hammer use (10 mm shaft)

Доступность: Нет в наличии

34,90 €
Артикул (SKU): 1806

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Fork Type Separator Set 5 pcs. (1806) - BGS technic

with interchangeable fork heads
for quick release of tie rod ends, steering levers, etc.
fork openings approx. 17.4 - 23.8 - 28.5 mm
manufactured from forged carbon steel,
handle for manual use
adaptor for air hammer use (10 mm shaft)

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