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Antifreeze Tester Dial Type, 9G4001- FORCE

Antifreeze Tester Dial Type, 9G4001- FORCE.

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Antifreeze Tester Dial Type, 9G4001- FORCE.
Avoid winter freeze-ups and summer boil-over.
Test all permanent (Ethylene Glycol) solutions with radiator hot or cold.
Two scales shows freeze point of radiator solution and boiling point of summer coolant.

Доступность: Есть в наличии

3,00 €
Артикул (SKU): 9G4001
3,00 €

Описание товара


Antifreeze Tester Dial Type, 9G4001- FORCE.
Avoid winter freeze-ups and summer boil-over.
Test all permanent (Ethylene Glycol) solutions with radiator hot or cold.
Two scales shows freeze point of radiator solution and boiling point of summer coolant.

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