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Zug- und Druckhülsen-Satz | mit 4 Spindeln | 27-tlg. - ZT-04751- SMANN TOOLS

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Zug- und Druckhülsen-Satz | mit 4 Spindeln | 27-tlg.  - ZT-04751- SMANN TOOLS.
Application also with workshop press + press frame.
22 x press-on sleeves

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

168,90 €
Artikelposition: ZT-04751



Zug- und Druckhülsen-Satz | mit 4 Spindeln | 27-tlg.  - ZT-04751- SMANN TOOLS.

Expert Quality, bearing, seal and bush insertion and extraction kit, perfectly designed to aid with accurate and controlled insertion or removal of a host of different bearings, including normal bearings, silent bearings, hydraulic bearings, rubber bearings, bearing bushes, shaft seals etc.

Each kit comprises of 22 adaptor rings and five fine thread puller bars with hex. nut ends, contents of each kit is the following,
1 x 34mm x 44mm adaptor ring, 1 x 36mm x 46mm adaptor ring, 1 x 38mm x 48mm adaptor ring, 1 x 40mm x 50mm adaptor ring, 1 x 42mm x 52mm adaptor ring, 1 x 44mm x 54mm adaptor ring, 1 x 46mm x 56mm adaptor ring, 1 x 48mm x 58mm adaptor ring, 1 x 50mm x 60mm adaptor ring, 1 x 52mm x 62mm adaptor ring, 1 x 54mm x 64mm adaptor ring, 1 x 56mm x 66mm adaptor ring, 1 x 58mm x 68mm adaptor ring, 1 x 60mm x 70mm adaptor ring, 1 x 62mm x 72mm adaptor ring, 1 x 64mm x 74mm adaptor ring, 1 x 66mm x 76mm adaptor ring, 1 x 68mm x 78mm adaptor ring, 1 x 70mm x 80mm adaptor ring, 1 x 72mm x 82mm adaptor ring, 1 x 75mm x 85mm adaptor ring, 1 x 80mm x 90mm adaptor ring, 1 x M10 pulling spindle, 1 x M12 pulling spindle, 1 x M14 pulling spindle, 1 x M16 pulling spindle, 1 x M18 pulling spindle.

Packed in sturdy blow molded carrying case for total convenience, an essential kit for all automotive technicians and engineers.




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