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К-т за изваждане на подгревни свещи на Mercedes CDI ,  OM 611, 612, 613.- ZIMBER-TOOLS.

К-т за изваждане на подгревни свещи на Mercedes CDI , OM 611, 612, 613.- ZIMBER-TOOLS.

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T rusa indepartare bujii incandescente CDI 611, 612, 613  Mercedes, ZR-36GPT - ZIMBER-TOOLS. 
Permite demontarea bujiei incandescente fara deteriorarea chiuloasei. 
Codul de motor: 611, 612, 613..

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

387,23 €
Artikelposition: ZR-36GPT



T rusa indepartare bujii incandescente CDI 611, 612, 613  Mercedes, ZR-36GPT - ZIMBER-TOOLS. 
Trusa indepartare bujii incandescente CDI. 
Permite demontarea bujiei incandescente fara deteriorarea chiuloasei. 
Codul de motor: 611, 612, 613.. 

 For Mercedes CDI engines 
Suitable for Mercedes CDI engines OM 611, 612 and 613. 
The glow plug tool set  enables the correct removal of burnt and/or stuck due to corrosion or torn off glow plugs as well as the repair of the glow plug retaining thread. 
The cylinder head does not have to be removed. 
(Note: Screwing the compressed air adapter into the injector nozzle bore and injecting compressed air into the combustion chamber prevents dirt and mental particles from entering into the combustion chamber) 
Large time saving and cost saving. 
Clean working methods. 
The tool is easy to operate.




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