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Motor-Einstellwerkzeug-Satz für VW/Audi 2.0L , ZR-36ETTS196 - ZIMBER TOOLS.

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Motor-Einstellwerkzeug-Satz für VW/Audi 2.0L , ZR-36ETTS196 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Product Description.
Applicable to 2009 and Newer VW/Audi model with the 2.0L Turbo(CAEB) engine. Kit contains the following tools. T10355 - Counter holder T10368 - Press Piece - Timing Chain Cove T40196 - Camshaft Pins T40267 - Tensioner Locking Tool T40271 - Camshaft Locks Cams VW 10352 - Assembly Tool. 

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

119,80 €
Artikelposition: ZR-36ETTS196
119,80 €



Motor-Einstellwerkzeug-Satz für VW/Audi 2.0L , ZR-36ETTS196 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
Product Description.
Applicable to 2009 and Newer VW/Audi model with the 2.0L Turbo(CAEB) engine. Kit contains the following tools. T10355 - Counter holder T10368 - Press Piece - Timing Chain Cove T40196 - Camshaft Pins T40267 - Tensioner Locking Tool T40271 - Camshaft Locks Cams VW 10352 - Assembly Tool.






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