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Turbolader-Diagnosekoffer mit Manometern | 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 mm - 8958- BGS technic.

Turbolader-Diagnosekoffer mit Manometern | 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 mm - 8958- BGS technic.

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Turbolader-Diagnosekoffer mit Manometern | 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 mm - 8958- BGS technic.
for checking the charging system components when installed
professional and economic troubleshooting
suitable for turbochargers, G-chargers, compressors
includes following adaptors:
2-step pressure adaptor for hose sizes 55 - 60 mm
2-step sealing cap with pressure gauge for hose sizes 55 - 60 mm
2-step pressure adaptor for hose sizes 65 - 70 mm
2-step sealing cap with pressure gauge for hose sizes 65 - 70 mm
Gross weight 1712 g

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

117,60 €
Artikelposition: ZB-8958
117,60 €



Turbolader-Diagnosekoffer mit Manometern | 55 - 60 - 65 - 70 mm - 8958- BGS technic.
for checking the charging system components when installed
professional and economic troubleshooting
suitable for turbochargers, G-chargers, compressors
includes following adaptors:
2-step pressure adaptor for hose sizes 55 - 60 mm
2-step sealing cap with pressure gauge for hose sizes 55 - 60 mm
2-step pressure adaptor for hose sizes 65 - 70 mm
2-step sealing cap with pressure gauge for hose sizes 65 - 70 mm
Gross weight 1712 g




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