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Gewinde-Reparatur-Satz M5 - M6 - M8 - M10 - M12, 130 pcs. (19500) - BGS technic

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Gewinde-Reparatur-Satz M5 - M6 - M8 - M10 - M12, 130 pcs. (19500) - BGS technic  .
In metal case enables the repair of taps
minimises required time and cost
scope of delivery:
5 twist drills for drilling out the defective threads
5 tap
5 installation tool for assembling the repair tools
5 insertion pin breakers for removing the tang
25 thread inserts M5 x 0.8 mm
25 thread inserts M6 x 1.0 mm
25 thread inserts M8 x 1.25 mm
25 thread inserts M10 x 1.5 mm
10 thread inserts M12 x 1.75 mm

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

79,90 €
Artikelposition: 19500
79,90 €



Gewinde-Reparatur-Satz M5 - M6 - M8 - M10 - M12, 130 pcs. (19500) - BGS technic  .
In metal case enables the repair of taps
minimises required time and cost
scope of delivery:
5 twist drills for drilling out the defective threads
5 tap
5 installation tool for assembling the repair tools
5 insertion pin breakers for removing the tang
25 thread inserts M5 x 0.8 mm
25 thread inserts M6 x 1.0 mm
25 thread inserts M8 x 1.25 mm
25 thread inserts M10 x 1.5 mm
10 thread inserts M12 x 1.75 mm.



Artikelposition 19500
Manufacturer BGS-TECHNIC


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