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Такаламит ръчен 500ml, ZR-36MGG1 - ZIMBER TOOLS

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Такаламит ръчен 500ml. такаламит за гресиране - ZIMBER TOOLS

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

18,40 €
Artikelposition: ZR-36MGG1
18,40 €



Такаламит ръчен 500ml, ZR-36MGG1 - ZIMBER TOOLS. такаламит за гресиране.

Grease Gun 500ml, ZR-36MGG1 - ZIMBER TOOLS.
The grease gun features a short stroke for tight work areas, and the base is removable for convenience.
Pump piston with high accuracy of fit to the cylinder (no dummy apparent lubrication).
Capacity: 500cc
Technical data
grease gun connection, pressure-side: M 10 x 1
capacity (cm³): 500 ml
loading: 500 g grease cartridge, DIN 1283, or bulk grease
diameter of piston (mm): 8 mm
actuation grease piston: manually lever operated
Delivery rate/stroke (cm³): 1,2, at a counter-pressure of 400 bar
Discharge pressure (bar): up to 400
burst pressure (system): 850 bar
burst pressure (grease gun head): 1200 bar
operation of plunger rod: with L-design handle




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