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Druckluft-Montagewerkzeug für Achsmanschetten -ZK-26-109

Druckluft-Montagewerkzeug für Achsmanschetten -ZK-26-109

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Druckluft-Montagewerkzeug für Achsmanschetten - ZK-26-109.
Product Specification:  Air Inlet: 1/4"-Working Pressure: 72-130psi

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

123,00 €
Artikelposition: ZK-26-109



Druckluft-Montagewerkzeug für Achsmanschetten - ZK-26-109.
Professional quality pneumatic CV joint boot removal/installation tool.
Designed to allow removal/fitting of CVJ boots without removing the driveshaft from the vehicle.
By adjusting the air control switch the expanding arms stretch the boot to the size required.
Can save up to 70% labour time and help prevent damage to the CV joint.
High quality composite body.
Suitable for use with standard workshop air supply.
Tool can be removed from the air line and retain pressure (arms open) until the release button is pressed.
Suitable for use on cars and light commercial vehicles.
Supplied complete as shown.
Please note the colour of this item may vary subject to availability.
Caution: Always lubricate the CVJ boot BEFORE using this item.
Please follow all safety instructions when using this product.
Product Specification:
Air Inlet: 1/4"
Working Pressure: 72-130psi




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