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Circuit Tester 3-48V, ZR-38AT - ZIMBER TOOLS

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Circuit Tester 3-48V, ZR-38AT - ZIMBER TOOLS.
A simple and easy to use tester that confirms the presence of voltage on vehicle electrical systems including those using the very latest 48v subsystem’s as used by Audi on their newest luxury models and the soon to be launch 48v hybrid assist systems coming from Renault.
Additional Information
Safe working Range 3-48volt
Includes cable piercer and voltage indicator
Plus 1metre of cable
Supplied with an alligator clip
2x LED’s give a clear indication of positive or negative connections

Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

4,80 €
Artikelposition: ZR-38AT



Circuit Tester 3-48V, ZR-38AT - ZIMBER TOOLS.
A simple and easy to use tester that confirms the presence of voltage on vehicle electrical systems including those using the very latest 48v subsystem’s as used by Audi on their newest luxury models and the soon to be launch 48v hybrid assist systems coming from Renault.
Additional Information
Safe working Range 3-48volt
Includes cable piercer and voltage indicator
Plus 1metre of cable
Supplied with an alligator clip
2x LED’s give a clear indication of positive or negative connections




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