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Achsmanschetten-Klemmen-Zange | Drehmomentbetrieb | 90° abgewinkelt - 163-2 -  BGS technic.

Achsmanschetten-Klemmen-Zange | Drehmomentbetrieb | 90° abgewinkelt - 163-2 - BGS technic.

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Achsmanschetten-Klemmen-Zange | Drehmomentbetrieb | 90° abgewinkelt - 163-2 -  BGS technic.Pliers for Axle Boot Clamps | for use with Torque Wrench | 90° angled - 163-2 - BGS technic.
Angled clamps mounted at 90 degrees, for lateral clamping and parallel pressing of the earcup
especially suitable for tight spaces
internal square drive 10 mm (3/8 ") for use with torque wrench
also suitable for stainless steel clamps and high torques

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

69,90 €
Artikelposition: ZB-163-2
69,90 €



Achsmanschetten-Klemmen-Zange | Drehmomentbetrieb | 90° abgewinkelt - 163-2 -  BGS technic.Pliers for Axle Boot Clamps | for use with Torque Wrench | 90° angled - 163-2 - BGS technic.
Angled clamps mounted at 90 degrees, for lateral clamping and parallel pressing of the earcup
especially suitable for tight spaces
internal square drive 10 mm (3/8 ") for use with torque wrench
also suitable for stainless steel clamps and high torques




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